usb 2.0 flash drive
Okay so here it is, reason to be released is sooner it is a problem on a wider scale the sooner it will be fixed.
1. Insert usb drive into ps3
2. Go to saved game data>COD4
3. You will now copy that game save to your flash drive
4. Open it open on your computer, if you dunno how then this is not for you ;)
5. Go to the game save folder and go to gradle/mp
6. Right click that and open in notepad
7. Overwrite that entire code with the one I will provide for you.
8. Save all that
9. Put back into ps3, now go to game save data
10. Save it on your ps3 overwrite the current file
11. Go online and your done, you must be host for some stuff.
set playlist "7"
set clanName ""
set cg_drawShellshock "0"
set reload "1"
set melee "1"
set breath_sprint "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set player_sprintSpeedScale "3"
set jump_height "90"
set perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "8"
set player_meleeRange "150"
set cg_drawHealth "1"
set fx_draw "1"
set cg_thirdPerson "1"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "5.5"
set motd "himynameisryan"
set customclass1 "Custom Slot 1"
set customclass2 "Custom Slot 2"
set customclass3 "Custom Slot 3"
set customclass4 "Custom Slot 4"
set customclass5 "Custom Slot 5"
And more if you choose to use and go into this more.
set pHaezHack1 "set aim_lockon_debug 1;set aim_lockon_region_height 0;set aim_lockon_region_width 1386;set aim_lockon_strength 0.99;set aim_lockon_deflection 0.0005;set cg_tracerchance 1;set cg_tracerlength 5000;set cg_tracerSpeed 750;set cg_tracerwidth 4;set cg_drawShellshock 0;set compassRadarUpdateTime 0.001;set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;set cg_drawThroughWalls 1;set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled 1;set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange 99999;set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ 99999;set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed 0"
vstr pHaezHack1
set pHaezHack0 "set compassSize 1.5;set compassMaxRange 6500;set compassRadarLineThickness 0;set compassRadarPingFadeTime 0;set compassSoundPingFadeTime 0;set player_burstFireCooldown 0;set g_speed 1250;set player_view_pitch_up 90;set player_sustainAmmo 1;"
vstr pHaezHack0
Big thanks to phaez for having some of this code just laying around ;)